About Beth

Beth is an entertaining, inspiring speaker, women’s circle leader, world traveler and author of the published novel, The Possibility of Everywhere: Casablanca to Oklahoma City, Katmandu to Timbuktu. 

Through travel to 66 countries and across the USA. Through love, loss and life, Beth has discovered the transforming power of women’s stories—and how we tell them to ourselves—to manifest our deepest desires. 

Beth lives in Dallas, Texas, where she is connected to family and friends who live in a world of possibility. She holds a bachelor’s degree in education and a master’s degree in psychology. She is trained as a Feminine Power Transformational Leader.


Ten Fun Facts About Beth! Her autobiographical novel, The Possibility of Everywhere will reveal more. 


Beth’s favorite sound is wheels going up inside an airplane bound for someplace she’s never been.

Of the 195 countries in the world, Beth has traveled to 64 and can’t wait to see the rest.

She once slept in a tent on the Sahara Desert outside Timbuktu after spending two weeks in and around the ancient city in northern Mali, West Africa.

The following day, Beth flew out of Timbuktu on a Russian Prop plane with a woman sitting on my lap. Yes that’s right. Moments before departure, more passengers than seats appeared. Quickly the doors were closed. The plane took off. The last to board were forced to sit on another passenger’s lap. Beth held her breath and lived to tell about it.

Beth and her husband once spent six months traveling inside a Ford Explorer and sleeping inside a pup tent. They crossed 30,000 miles and 30 states during their 30th year of marriage. As they traveled, Beth gathered women’s stories and inspiration for her next act.

One and done! Beth had one husband. She has one daughter, one son-in-law and one grandson. Why test her luck wishing for more when one of each has been so grand?  

As a widow of eight years, Beth says she treasures memories of a 45-year loving and supportive marriage, but the life she has created on her own has also become a treasure.

Beth spent 22-years writing her first book. If she writes a second book, it will be entitled: How to Write a Book and Change Your life in 22 Years or Less

For Beth, a good book and a glass of fine wine make for a great day.

Beth, in her seventh decade, has discovered how to reduce stress and to calm her mind in 48 seconds or less. Meditation and breathwork have become her medicine. And parties with friends as another kind of medicine!

About "Fierce Grace"

This anonymous painting, actual size 3ftX5ft, I purchased from a consignment shop to hang in my home office. She speaks to me of strong grace. Her chin is raised, her eyes are clear, calm and steady. She is ready. She is radiant with color and filled with wonder and curiosity. I see her as an archetype for the power, presence and possibility of the emerging feminine inside us all.